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Settings & Admin
Learn how to set up and manage your account
41 articles
How to install the Endear appInstall for your iOS or Android device.
How do I change Endear's language setting?
How do I change Endear's currency setting?
How do I change my Email display name?Change how your Email is displayed
How do I adjust who can access a Contact Method?Adjust who can view or send from certain contact methods
Setting up Two-Factor Authentication for your Endear User ProfileSet up 2FA (Two-Factor Authentication), also known as Multi-factor Authentication, for your Endear User Profile
How do I require Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) for my Brand?Enable Two-Factor Authentication for your Brand
How do I enable SSO for my Brand?Enable SSO (Single Sign-on) for your brand
How do I add my company's branding?How to add your company's branding to your Stories
Where is my customer data?Learn how to import your customer data
How do I see my current subscription?View your current subscription on your Billing page
How do I update my billing info?As an Admin, you can update your billing info at any time
How do I cancel my subscription?Canceling your Endear subscription.
How do I view past invoices?View past invoices from your Billing Settings page
How do I change which notifications I receive?Change notifications for Comments & Mentions, Messages, Appointments, Tasks, and Customers in the Notifications Settings page
What are Story default settings and how do I use them?Learn how to set up Stories for your team
Where can I find Endear's Terms of Service?Endear's Terms of Service
How do I change my subscription plan?Upgrade or downgrade your subscription plan at any time.
How do I adjust my team settings?Change the details related to any single team from the Teams settings [Admin only]
How do I switch between brands?If you work for two different brands using Endear, you can easily switch between the two at any time.
How do I change or reset my password?Steps to take if you or one of your users forget their password or if you want to change your password
What happens when we no longer need a Team location?How to move contact methods to another store
How are SMS credits calculated?Understand the characteristics of an SMS message and how it relates to the Endear SMS credit cost
How to set up email in EndearAdd an e-mail contact method from within Endear
How do I set up an SMS number?Only admins have access to this feature
Setting up an e-mail address using your custom domainCreate an email address with your brand's custom domain
How do I enable and disable emails and phone numbers in Endear?Enable or disable your teams' contact methods
Setting up your own custom domainLearn how to add a custom domain for a more branded email experience
How can users start sending messages?Learn what is required for users to start sending messages
Forbidden Message CategoriesThe messaging use cases described below are strictly prohibited on Endear. These guidelines apply to all forms of messaging in Endear.
How to add a user to multiple teamsNeed to add an associate to more than one team?
How do I invite users without a corporate email?How to set users without using personal or individual email addresses
How do usernames work?Learn about usernames in Endear
How do I assign the right locations to my teams?Make sure the right locations are connected to your teams so they can properly filter their data.
How do I add a new team?Learn how to add additional teams to your Endear account
What is the difference between an Admin, Manager, and User?Learn the 3 roles at Endear and their associated permissions.
How do I change a user's role?Learn how to change a user's role to an admin, manager, or user
How do I disable/re-enable a user?Learn how to disable a user.
Is there a way to know who is an Admin?Learn who the admins are on your Endear account
How do I link an Endear User to a user from an integration?
How do I update my profile pictureHow to upload your own profile picture that will be seen in the app and SalesChat