9 articles
How do I export data from reports?Only Admins can export Insights data from Endear.
Do iOS updates affect our message engagement reporting?
How do I filter and adjust my reports' results?Apply filters to your reports to adjust the information displayed displayed
How do I adjust what details I see in my report's table?Customize the columns in your reports to display only the information that matters to you
How do I build and save a report?Any user can build a report in Endear in order to better understand user performance and conversions
What do Endear's default reports tell me?Endear provides basic reports out-of-the-box to help you understand how your team is doing.
How do I adjust access or delete a report?Control which members of your team can view certain reports or remove reports entirely.
Why do I see reports created by Endear?Endear creates helpful reports on your behalf
How do I see and manage reports in Endear?You can access and create reports about users' performance through Endear's Insight module.