Applies to: All (Users & Managers)
Your audience could be blocked for one of the following reasons below
Solution Overview
Your audience includes premium filters
You have an un-linked location
The related team does not exist
You do not have viewing access to the audience
Your audience includes premium filters
If you are seeing an error message regarding premium filters, then you can upgrade your account to re-gain access to this audience. Your error message will indicate what plan is necessary in order to restore the audience. Otherwise, you can return to the Customers tab and delete the audience.
2. You have an un-linked location
If you are seeing an error message regarding required locations, it means that the location in the filter that is applied is currently not connected to a team. You either need to connect the location to an existing team, or create a new team and assign this location to it. Note that only admins can create new teams.
3. The related team does not exist
If you are seeing an error message regarding teams, it means that the team being used in an applied filter is not currently active. An admin will need to restore the relevant team in order for this audience to become available. Note that only admins can restore teams.
4. You do not have viewing access to the audience
Some brands decide to limit access to the audience If you find that you don't have access to a audience, reach out to an admin on your team to determine the viewing access.
You can find out how to see who your admins are here.
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