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Should I use a tag or custom field?

Learn the benefits and differences of tags and custom fields

Updated over 2 years ago

Applies to: All (Users, Managers, & Admins)

Both tags and custom fields are helpful for finding the customers that are wanted for targeted messaging. Finding the right customers and keeping track of their preferences is key to ensuring they receive the best, most relevant communications.

Tagging customers and creating custom fields are two methods that businesses can use to track customer preferences. In this article, we will discuss the benefits and differences of using each method.

How to Effectively Use Tags to Organize Your Customers

Tagging customers is an efficient way to make customer notes that can be quickly filtered in the future. An example of this is, you can create a tag to quickly add customer request note, outreach for upcoming events or products that are back in stock.

Tags are also transferable from Shopify, which allows for an automated workflow. This approach can result in tagging customers from the point-of-sale (POS). Please note, we only pull information from Shopify. So any changes will Some brands use this method to automatically link customers to associates from their transactions.

Here are a few guidelines to using tags:

  • Tags are quick and fast to add to a profile but can get messy over time. Once a tag has been added, it will be available in the tag autocomplete.

  • You can use tags to categorize particular items that customers may be interested in, or to add additional demographic details that could be useful in the future.

  • This can be especially useful when you have to provide customized services to clients. These tags are also visible on their account, which is great for customer support interactions.

  • You have the option to add tags to new customers from your POS, or manually create tags in Endear once the customers purchase any item.

By utilizing tags to organize your customers, you can create a more efficient customer experience that is tailored to their specific needs. The automated workflow allows you to add tags simultaneously, which can save you time and effort in the long run. It also makes customer segmentation easier with the additional insight from the tags.

How to Effectively Use Custom fields to Organize Your Customers

Custom fields (Professional Plan only) are an incredibly useful way for businesses to keep track of customer preferences, offering the potential to provide personalized and targeted messages when it's filtered in an audience.

Custom fields allow businesses the flexibility to elicit information such as a customer's favorite product size, contact preference or even the customer's birthday. This allows businesses to target or tailor messaging to meet a customer's individual needs and preferences.

Here are a few guidelines to using custom fields:

  • Custom fields take a little longer to set up but are often a cleaner experience long term.

  • Custom fields should be used whenever it's something that isn't just words. For example: a dollar amount, a date.

  • Custom fields should also always be used whenever you are trying to fill that field with an integration. For example: connecting Acuity or Calendly through Zapier to feed in appointment data to customer profiles.

  • Custom fields should be used only for details you consistently want to track like shoe size, bra size, favorite metal, contact preference (email/text), etc.

By leveraging custom fields and tags, businesses can be confident that their messages are being well received and being sent to the right people. This can help businesses build customer loyalty and increase engagement, ultimately driving more conversions and sales.

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