Applies to: Admins
Endear allows you to make mass imports of data using our CSV tool. This will allow you submit information from another platform as long as they can provide the data in a Spreadsheet. We currently allow Admins to import Customers, Locations, Products, Product Variants, Locations, Staff Members, Purchase Line Items, and Refunds.
This is a three step process.
Formatting your Spreadsheets (This is technically optional, but we highly recommend reviewing the columns and using our templates)
Adding the CSV Importer
Click on Settings
Click on Integrations
Click on Add Integration
Search for and click on CSV Import
Name the integration
Click on Create
1. Click on Settings
2. Click on Integrations…
3. Click on Add Integration
4. Search for and click on CSV Import
5. Name the integration
6. Click on Create
Formatting your Spreadsheets
We use customers to populate the CRM in Endear with rich customer data and link purchases to customers
Field | Type | Required | Description |
customer_id | text | yes | The primary key identifier of the customer. This is not the Endear customer ID |
first_name | text | no | The first name of the customer |
last_name | text | no | The last name of the customer |
email_address | text | no | The primary email address of the customer |
phone_number | text | no | The primary phone number of the customer |
tags | comma-separated text | no | The tags of the customer |
default_address_line_1 | text | no | The address line 1 of the customer’s default address |
default_address_line_2 | text | no | The address line 2 of the customer’s default address |
default_address_city | text | no | The city of the customer’s default address |
default_address_province | text | no | The state/province of the customer’s default address |
default_address_postal_code | text | no | The postal code of the customer’s default address |
default_address_country_code | text | no | The country code of the customer’s default address |
email_marketing_subscription_status | “subscribed”, “unsubscribed” | no | Whether the customer accepts marketing via email |
sms_marketing_subscription_status | “subscribed”, “unsubscribed” | no | Whether the customer accepts marketing via sms |
custom.[customer_field_key] | any | no | You can setup custom fields in Endear and include them by key as additional columns |
created_at | date-time | yes | The date the record was created |
updated_at | date-time | no | The date the record was updated |
deleted_at | date-time | no | The date the record was deleted |
Customers Downloadable Template:
We use product & variant information to link products to purchases and create a catalog of your products to search and share with customers
Field | Type | Required | Description |
product_id | text | yes | The primary key identifier of the product |
title | text | yes | The name of the product |
description | text | no | The long description of the product |
sku | text | no | The SKU of the product |
vendor | text | no | The vendor name of the product |
type | comma-separated text | no | The list of categories of the product as defined by you. For example, you may have a shirt that is also menswear. So your type field could be “shirt, menswear” |
slug | text | no | The web address path of the product. For example, if your product URL is, the slug would be “/products/my-product” |
available_for_sale | boolean | no | Whether the product is “sellable” |
tags | comma-separated text | no | The tags of the products |
images | comma-separated text | no | A list of URLs to images for the product |
created_at | date-time | yes | The date the record was created |
updated_at | date-time | no | The date the record was updated |
deleted_at | date-time | no | The date the record was deleted |
Downloadable Template:
Product Variants
We use product & variant information to link products to purchases and create a catalog of your products to search and share with customers
Field | Type | Required | Description |
product_variant_id | text | yes | The primary key identifier of the product variant |
product_id | text | yes | The primary key identifier of the product this is a variant for |
title | text | no | The name of the product variant (if different for each variant) |
description | text | no | The long description of the product variant (if different for each variant) |
sku | text | no | The SKU of the product variant |
currency_code | text | yes | The currency of the product variant (all variants of a product must have the same currency) |
current_price | number | yes | The current price of the product variant with any promotional discounts applied |
compare_at_price | number | yes | The “original” price of the product variant (You an pass the same value for current_price and compare_at_price) if you don’t have this distinction |
options | comma-separated text | no | The attributes of the variant that distinguish it from other variants (must take the form of “size:xl, color:red”, and fields can be repeated if multiple values) |
created_at | date-time | yes | The date the record was created |
updated_at | date-time | no | The date the record was updated |
deleted_at | date-time | no | The date the record was deleted |
Downloadable Template:
We use location date to link purchases to specific locations
Field | Type | Required | Description |
location_id | text | yes | The primary key identifier of the location |
name | text | yes | The name of the location |
type | text | yes | The type of the location (must be one of “web”, “pos”, “mobile_app”, or “other”) |
address_line_1 | text | no | The address line 1 of the locations’ address |
address_line_2 | text | no | The address line 2 of the locations’ address |
address_city | text | no | The city of the locations’ address |
address_province | text | no | The state/province of the locations’ address |
address_postal_code | text | no | The postal code of the locations’ address |
address_country_code | text | no | The country code of the locations’ address |
created_at | date-time | yes | The date the record was created |
updated_at | date-time | no | The date the record was updated |
deleted_at | date-time | no | The date the record was deleted |
Downloadable Template:
Staff Members
We use staff member data to link purchases to specific staff members and link user accounts in Endear to specific staff members
Field | Type | Required | Description |
user_id | text | yes | The primary key identifier of the staff member |
first_name | text | yes | The first name of the staff member |
last_name | text | yes | The last name of the staff member |
email_address | text | no | The email address of the staff member |
phone_number | text | no | The phone number of the staff member |
created_at | date-time | yes | The date the record was created |
updated_at | date-time | no | The date the record was updated |
deleted_at | date-time | no | The date the record was deleted |
Downloadable Template:
We use purchases to link to customers and enable filtering of customers by their purchases & track attribution of purchases to messaging in Endear
Field | Type | Required | Description |
purchase_id | text | yes | The primary key identifier of the purchase |
tags | comma-separated text | no | The tags of the purchase |
order_number | text | yes | The human-readable order number of the purchase (can be the same as the primary key if there is no distinction and the value does not change) |
channel | text | yes | The channel of the purchase (must be one of “web”, “pos”, “mobile_app”, or “custom”) |
discount_codes | comma-separated text | no | The list of discount codes applied to the purchase |
currency_code | test | yes | The currency of the purchase |
subtotal | number | yes | The subtotal amount of the purchase |
total_discounts | number | yes | The total discount amount of the purchase (should be a positive number) |
total_tax | number | yes | The total tax amount of the purchase |
total_shipping | number | yes | The total shipping amount of the purchase |
total_price | number | yes | The total amount of the purchase (subtotal - total_discounts + total_tax + total_shipping = total_price) |
customer_id | text | no | The customer that made the purchase |
user_id | text | no | The staff member that completed the purchase |
location_id | text | yes | The location where the purchase occurred |
processed_at | date-time | yes | The date when the purchase originally occurred |
cancelled_at | date-time | no | The date when the purchase was cancelled |
created_at | date-time | yes | The date the record was created |
updated_at | date-time | no | The date the record was updated |
deleted_at | date-time | no | The date the record was deleted |
Downloadable Template:
Purchase Line Items
We use purchases to link to customers and enable filtering of customers by their purchases & track attribution of purchases to messaging in Endear
Field | Type | Required | Description |
line_item_id | text | yes | The primary key identifier of the line item (only needs to be unique within a purchase) |
purchase_id | text | yes | The purchase that this line item is part of |
product_id | text | no | The product that was purchased in the line item |
product_variant_id | text | no | The product variant that was purchased in the line itme |
vendor | text | no | The vendor of the product associated to the line item |
sku | text | no | The sku of the product variant associated to the line item |
currency_code | test | yes | The currency of the line item (must match the currency of the purchase) |
subtotal | number | yes | The subtotal amount of the line item |
total_discounts | number | yes | The total discount amount of the line item (should be a positive number) (can be zero if you do not itemize discounts) |
total_tax | number | yes | The total tax amount of the line item (can be zero if you do not itemize tax) |
quantity | number | yes | The quantity of the product purchased in the line item |
created_at | date-time | yes | The date the record was created |
updated_at | date-time | no | The date the record was updated |
deleted_at | date-time | no | The date the record was deleted |
Downloadable Template:
We use purchases to link to customers and enable filtering of customers by their purchases & track attribution of purchases to messaging in Endear
Field | Type | Required | Description |
refund_id | text | yes | The primary key identifier of the refund |
original_line_item_id | text | no | The purchase line item that was returned in the refund |
original_purchase_id | text | no | The purchase that this return is for |
currency_code | test | no | The currency of the refund |
subtotal | number | yes | The subtotal amount of the refund |
total_tax | number | yes | The total tax amount refunded |
quantity | number | yes | The quantity of the product returned |
created_at | date-time | yes | The date the record was created |
updated_at | date-time | no | The date the record was updated |
deleted_at | date-time | no | The date the record was deleted |
Downloadable Template:
Submitting your Data with the importer
1. Click on Settings
2. Click on Integrations…
3. Click on the Importer Integration…
4. Click on + Create job
5. Click the + for which information you want to upload
6. Click on Select file and choose your spreadsheet
7. Adjust any header names for your Spreadsheet and Click on Continue
8. (Optional) Add any additional headers to the import
9. (Optional) Map your Columns to the template's fields. We will do our best to match it automatically, if you've used our templates you should have no issues.
10. Click on Continue
11. Review and fix any errors and click on Save and Finalize
1. Click on Settings
2. Click on Integrations…
3. Click on Importer Integration…
4. Click on + Create job
5. Click the + for which information you want to upload
6. Click on Select file and choose your spreadsheet
7. Adjust any header names for your Spreadsheet and Click on Continue
8. (Optional) Add any additional headers to the import
9. Map your Columns to the templates in the field.
10. Click on Continue
11. Review and fix any errors and click on Save and Finalize
12. Add any additional imports or Submit job