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Where is my customer data?

Learn how to import your customer data

Updated over a week ago

Applies to: Admin

Importing your customer data is one of the most important first steps you should do upon integrating with Endear. The import process varies depending on your POS and eCommerce platform.

Solution Overview

With Shopify Integration

Endear will automatically start importing your Shopify customer data, historic orders, and product information if you've installed the app through Shopify's app marketplace. It can take anywhere from 24-48 hours for your data to be fully imported and you can always check the status of this on your home page.

With Other Integrations

Endear provides other out-of-the-box integrations into different POS and e-commerce providers, but the process for importing your data does not happen automatically. If you are on a qualifying Endear pricing package, please reach out to us at to see if we integrate with your provider and to start your import process.

Still Need Help?

We are happy to assist you for more 1:1 direction. Reach out to our live chat!

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