There are 3 different levels of permissions a user can have within Endear.
User's with the role of Admin in Endear can see and do anything in the account. They can switch between locations, create tasks and segments for different locations and users, and assign other users to customers. Admins can also adjust certain settings in Endear and view the Endear Reports features. It's also important to note that Admins in Endear will receive any transactional emails from the Endear team if there are ever any issues with your account or major updates.
User's with the role of Manager in Endear are essentially Admins but only for the locations they have access to. This means they can create tasks and segments for other users within their location(s) and assign users of their location to customers.
User's with the role of User are most often the Sales Associates/Stylists working with customers on a day to day basis. They have access to just the location(s) they are added to and can only create segments for themselves and assign themselves to customers.
What permissions do Admin, Manager, and Users have?
If you're on the Professional Plan
If you're on the Growth Plan
If you're on the Starter Plan
View segments that have been shared with them
Add filters to customer segments
Save segments for only themselves or their team
Create templates
Schedule email and SMS messages
Assign a customer to themselves
View reports that have been shared with them
Add filters to reports
Add filters to reports
Message customers one on one
Bulk message customers (up to 100 at a time)
Edit their own personal settings
Display name
Mobile Number
Create Stories and add images and assets
Create notes and tasks, and assign them to others on their team
Access to segments and reports in the teams that they're assigned to
Access to segments and reports that have been shared with manager-level people
Connecting location sources (e-commerce and POS) to their respective teams
Can assign and unassign users on their team to customers (one by one and in bulk)
Can assign tasks to users on their teams
Edit team account settings
Team name
Team address
Team inbox
Text direction
Invite users to their team
Add and remove current user from their team
Reactivate users from their team
Bulk message customers (up to 2,500 at a time)
Access to all teams and settings
Ability to switch between all teams
Merge customers
Sync data via Zapier
Ability to import and export customers
Ability to import and export reports
Disable users
Change and set users' roles
Access to billing information and transactions
Delete images or assets
Creating teams
Creating contact methods (SMS and email domains)
View segments that have been shared with them
Add filters to customer segments
Save segments for only themselves or their team
Create templates
Schedule email and SMS messages
Assign a customer to themselves only
View reports that have been shared with them
Add filters to reports
Message customers one on one
Bulk message customers (up to 100 at a time)
Edit their own personal settings
Mobile Number
Create Stories and add images and assets
Create notes and tasks, and assign them to others on their team
Access to segments and reports in the teams that they're assigned to
Access to segments and reports that have been shared with manager-level people
Connecting location sources (e-commerce and POS) to their respective teams
Can assign and unassign users on their team to customers (one by one and in bulk)
Can assign tasks to users on their teams
Edit team account settings
Team name
Team address
Team inbox
Text direction
Invite users to their team
Add and remove current user from their team
Reactivate users from their team
Bulk message customers (up to 2,500 at a time)
Access to all teams and settings
Ability to switch between all teams
Merge customers
Sync data via Zapier
Ability to import and export customers
Disable users
Change and set users' roles
Access to billing information and transactions
Delete images or assets
Creating teams
Creating contact methods (SMS and email domains)
Everyone is an Admin in the starter plan
Access to all teams and settings
Ability to switch between all teams
Merge customers
Sync data via Zapier
Ability to import and export customers
Disable users
Change and set users' roles
Access to billing information and transactions
Delete images or assets
Creating teams
Creating contact methods (SMS and email domains, check)
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