1. Click on Settings
2. Click on Appointments
3. Click on Service
4. Click on Add Service
5. Add Appointment Name
6. Add Appointment Description
7. Click on Create
8. Adjust accent color (this can be used to make branding more consistent on the calendar
9. Enter your appointment instructions.
10. Choose your duration (length of event) and Interval (the time required between events)
11. Set your Default Available hours (when the customer can schedule)
1. Click on Settings
2. Click on Appointments
3. Click on Services
4. Click on Add Services
5. Add Appointment Name
6. Add Appointment Description
7. Click on Create
8. Adjust accent color (this can be used to make branding more consistent on the calendar
9. Enter your appointment instructions.
10. Choose you duration (length of event) and Interval (the time required between events)
11. Set your Default Available hours.