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How do I complete a task?

Learn to complete a task and see which tasks are still pending.

Updated over a week ago

Applies To: All (Users, Managers, & Admins)

Learn to mark tasks as complete, pending, and past due using Endear's statuses and deadlines. Once you've completed a task, mark it as complete to let your team members know it's been done. If you are the creator, are assigned, or are an admin, you can mark a task as complete.

How do I mark a task as complete from the task list?

Solution Overview

  1. Search for the task you want to complete

  2. Click on "Checkmark" button under the "Status" column of the task list

  3. You'll see the button turn green

Click on Incomplete

What happens if a task does not get completed in time?

If you forget to mark a task as complete or when a task isn't completed by the due date, the status of the task will be listed as Incomplete and the deadline will display that the task is Past Due.

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