Applies to: All (Users, Managers, & Admins)
If you are the creator of a task, you can edit all of a task's details at any time or delete it. Admins can also edit or delete any task. You can also bulk delete notes & tasks, and restore them any time.
Solution Overview:
Visit the task you want to edit
Update its info (or delete it)
You can restore a deleted task so long as you created it or you are an admin
How To Edit a Task
Step 1. Click on the task column of the note you want to edit
Step 2. Click on any fields you want to update- you can edit the task description, task title, task status, deadline, repeats, teammate assignment, tags,
How to delete a Task
You can delete a task so long as you are an admin or the creator of the task. These same users can also restore a task.
Step 1. Click on Delete at the top of the task
How to View and Restore Deleted Tasks (only admins and creators can restore deleted tasks)
Step 1. Click on More filters on your Notes and Tasks list
Step 2. Click on the Deleted filter option
Step 3. Click on yes
Step 5. Click on Done - you'll see all the Notes that have previously been deleted
Still Need Help?
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